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33 replies
663 days old
last post: Feb 12, 2016


1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-25 23:40
Has anyone else lost interest in your hobbies from your teens? It seems like these days I'm avoiding the internet aside from the most basic tasks (email, bills, some shopping). I don't get ANY enjoyment from gaming. It just doesn't cut it anymore.

I guess it doesn't help that I've gotten some new interests. I'm more interested in advancing my career now that I work, as well as my other hobbies like guns, investing, learning to actually program instead of putting it off like i did for so long.

I dunno, it seems as if, at least for me, i'm reaching the end of an era.
2 Name: silent protagonist : 2014-10-26 16:17
TC is lying, adults don't come here. No real person would inflict such a boring life upon themselves.

As far as changing interests, I still enjoy some of the same things from 10 years ago, but I do try new things. New anime, new games, new shows, new areas of research and study. I spend a lot of time online 'cause the internet is a vast beautiful field of knowledge and community. I play games maybe 1 or 2 hours a day on average. I don't learn or practice skills, though I feel I should. I read sometimes, but not often enough. I listen to music seriously about once a week. I watch movies pretty frequently, probly at least every other day. Last few months I've been going straight through seasons of the TV show The Waltons, which I watched with my mom when I was younger. I also like going for long walks. Earlier this year I left my former apartment with just a backpack and traveled around for a few months and ended up setting up shop w/job+apt in another city for the winter. And wither then? I cannot say.
3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-27 22:49
Who is TC?
4 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-28 00:58
I have heard plenty of people talk about how they lose their passion and devotion once they graduate from becoming a teen, but I can't say I experienced that as I grew up. From my own, personal experiences, if you really love something, you should be able to maintain that passion throughout your whole life. It helps if you have discipline.
5 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-28 08:10
I've had an almost opposite problem. My only hobby used to be playing video games and hanging out on the internet, but now I have so many hobbies that I take seriously that I sometimes feel like I have trouble keeping up with all of them;
between playing chess and analyzing games, drawing still lifes and studies from life, reading poetry, essays, etc., and writing short stories and poems, and even watching anime it's hard deciding what to focus on. I tend to cycle between my different hobbies now, for a few weeks I'll spend a few hours every day focusing on one, and then a few weeks later I'll go back to another and spend a few hours every day on that.
6 Name: silent protagonist : 2014-10-28 23:21
I, too, am overwhelmed by possibility. I love doing and learning about everything, and I have a hard time sticking to one thing.
7 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-29 17:31

Same, except as often as not I'll end up being paralyzed by indecision and accomplish nothing
8 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-29 17:33

Same, except as often as not I'll end up being paralyzed by indecision and accomplish nothing
9 Name: silent protagonist : 2014-10-29 18:05
I haven't really done anything in 6 years except become proficient in talking to people on IRC
10 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-04 04:07
I've lost my love for certain games since I was a kid and I don't like it.
11 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-04 13:16
Well, I used to be all into gaming, I still am but in a different way.
I used to keep up with all the new stuff but that ended somewhere in 2012.
Now I only play gamecube games, not too often but I have quite a decent collection with a bunch of great games that I love to replay every now and then.

I'll continue collecting games for this console, someone once called it a bit childish and maybe that's true but these games still bring a smile to my face and that is worth a lot to me.
12 Name: silent protagonist : 2014-11-05 02:52
I'm still stuck in the media/social machine of newgamestuff. I didn't buy Wii U though so that's a good first step - historically I bought all Nintendo things on launch. I used to buy way more games but have made a serious effort to only buy a few per year. I've been wanting to stop buying new games altogether, but 3DS and indie computer games still have their hooks in me.
13 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-16 16:33
Hard to say since I'm fortunately not an adult (yet). But I used to watch tons of anime last year but it seems that I kinda burned out and now I just don't wanna most of the time.
14 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-20 02:05

trying to get back into enjoying things like anime and music.

it's difficult!
15 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-24 21:21
I still enjoy the same hobbies, but my taste got way broader.
16 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-18 10:56
as with OP, video games have been the major casualty in the hobbies department as i've gotten older. i play tabletop games casually with friends though.
17 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-26 18:54
I also thought I was beyond this video game shit but then I got MH4U and can't stop playing it, and when I'm at work, all I can think about is how many trips to the Volcanic Hollow is going to take me to get all those firestones I need for a new sword so I can farm Gore Magala faster.
I think my interests just got a hell of a lot more niche.
18 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-27 00:39
How are the controls? I was told they suck.
19 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-27 02:12
Different person. They're okay. It just feels weird that the camera control isn't a D-pad above the movement, and it feels weird that the camera nub for the new 3ds's is above controls and isn't near the dodge button.

You could get used to it, I suppose. Though I don't see Capcom going for offline MH content for Sony products, despite already having frontier being free for the first few HRs. MH is now in nintendo territory. I doubt they'll do a proper HD release with consoles.
20 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-29 09:52
Damn, are you me?
I got the game a few days ago when I saw it somewhere at a discount, so I picked it up and already put 20 hours in over the course of roughly 3 days.
And I thought I was done with gaming, I still not entirely sure why I picked this game up even though I hadn't been playing anything for the past year.

I sure don't regret it, the game is rich in content and really fun.

I play it on a regular 3DS without a CPP.
It's very playable, the L-button to align the camera is really necessary when you don't have a second circlepad but overall I don't have much problems with the controls.
Might be the best game for the 3DS at the moment.
21 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-04 16:44
I've changed a lot from the time when I was a teen. Most of the interests I pursue now were developed after I turned 20.

Come to think of it, my interests were, and are, largely determined by what was available to me throughout my lifetime, in terms of technology, information, and money. Now the main thing preventing the diversification of my interests is my poverty.
22 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-04 21:54
Growing up I only had a very limited selection of Nintendo and PC games available to play. Recently I've gotten into the PS1 and PS2 libraries and have been having a lot of fun. If anything my tastes in video games has expanded.

I've watched anime and followed airing stuff for several years and even though I have had burnout periods I keep coming back to it.
23 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-04 22:12
I found a comment that resonated with me somewhat on reddit earlier (I know, ">reddit"):


It summarises how I deal with the lack of ultimate meaning in life, I guess. Though I do think it glazes over the beauty of impermanence.

In a sense, a very old Anglo-Saxon quote, recorded by the Venerable Bede:

The present life of man, O king, seems to me, in comparison of that time which is unknown to us, like to the swift flight of a sparrow through the room wherein you sit at supper in winter, with your commanders and ministers, and a good fire in the midst, whilst the storms of rain and snow prevail abroad; the sparrow, I say, flying in at one door, and immediately out at another, whilst he is within, is safe from the wintry storm; but after a short space of fair weather, he immediately vanishes out of your sight, into the dark winter from which he had emerged. So this life of man appears for a short space, but of what went before, or what is to follow, we are utterly ignorant.

Even people in the 5th century felt this way, I suppose.
24 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-06 14:43
Never thought I'd come to this point, but I've grown tired of music as of late. How very peculiar...
25 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-08 11:03
If anything, it's not the hobbies that change but the contents of that hobby like the genre and such.
26 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-11 22:31
As for me, I have a lot of diverse hobbies as well. I usually focus on a single hobby for a week or more, and then I'll get fed up of it and move on to another hobby. Most of my hobbies don't require much effort on my part: from reading essays and short-stories to watching anime and nature documentaries.
27 Name: Anonymous : 2015-12-13 17:57
absolutely. i loved metal my whole life. started playing guitar when i was 13. i could write music all day and listen to bands such as vektor or teitanblood on repeat from the moment i woke up to the second i fell asleep.

now, music is just boring. i have a very diverse taste, but none of it is interesting. i can't write a single good riff. this isn't a down point in my life, this has been snowballing for about 3 years now.
28 Name: Anonymous : 2016-01-21 07:31
I used to play a lot of videogames as a teenager, and I was into animu & mango too. I'm 24. I've kinda started picking hobbies for what they'll do for me rather than their apparent attractiveness / glitteriness. Most things turn out to be interesting.

Partly this is because everything appeals to me and I'm trying to apply the concept of opportunity cost more thoroughly. But also I have been getting tired of the kind of hobbies (like anime and gaming and the normal people equivalent "lots of netflix") where you can spend a ton of time "studying" them and not really get anything useful out of it. Or worse, scale madoka figures when I still need to replace my shoes and fix my bicycle.

I still feel very different from normal people but I recognize that their company benefits me immensely (through social connections, career networking, and of course the reduction of loneliness). I think that trying to learn about the stuff that they care about helps me empathise somewhat and also blend in. When it comes down to "i learn about consumerist stuff like clothes and cars", it feels superficial and materialistic to type it out. I'm trying to learn about the composition of music right now.

There's a certain amount that I'm appreciating depth of knowledge more as an adult, but that really only applies to my job, which is technical in nature. I don't think I have really found a hobby that is creative that I have wanted to dive into. It could happen I suppose.

I've not become tired of browsing the internet, though. People are more honest online, and there's the fact that it bridges physical distance and thereby puts me into contact with people I wouldn't irl. But it's partly just a dumb hobby and I keep up because I like to be in touch with something, including the latest maymays and ironical shitposting trendz. I think the critical factor is when I go online and I read, I feel like there's people here who understand me, fundamentally.
29 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-02 05:59
You're post resonated with me like a post hasn't in a long time. Since I first posted this thread I have only widened the gap between my old way of thinking and the new. This in particular stood out for me:

There's a certain amount that I'm appreciating depth of knowledge more as an adult, but that really only applies to my job, which is technical in nature.

I never graduated college and I never planed to go back but the interest and respect towards knowledge in my own line of work spurred me back into a technical program at a local college. I don't care for the degree or the "doors" it will open nevermind the (admittedly low) cost. But just being there and learning something I TRULY am interested in. It's as if my mind has been thirsty all these years and finally I'm getting around to quenching it. It's exhilarating and I can't wait to learn even more, and that's something I never in my life would thought be a description for school.

And it's more than that, I like learning. At work I loved having answers and knowing why things work the way they do or what can be done. But when I jumped into this it was as though I had plataued and was stuck. I was in the dark and had no guide whatsoever and that truly made me desperate.

In my personal life I am much the same as ever. As if I'm stagnated. I too have no real hobbies to speak of but my interests(aside from imageboards) I try to make them worthwhile. Learning about Linux or programming, or how cars work, reading some book(I avoid non fiction though these days). In the end though I still feel empty most days. As if I'm missing something fundemental and the only outlet I have is imageboards and places like these.
30 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-02 06:02
I stopped playing single player games altogether and watch very little anime now.

I got new hobbies now and I'm greatly enjoying them so I don't really feel sad about it.
31 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-02 06:08
Starting to work cut so much into my free time I abruptly stopped watching much anime at all, but I started reading a lot of fantasy books which has been really fulfilling so I don't feel as sad,
32 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-12 07:04
As a kid, my hobbies were always enjoyed in isolation. I was into a variety of things, music, film, games, but always a pretty specific and narrow niche within them, to the point where I've never found any camaraderie online. I was fine with that, for some reason I thought the consumption of art was always personal, I guess because I didn't meet anyone with real interests or hobbies besides girls and sports until highschool. It is a bit of a lonely path, though.

But when I did eventually make friends interested in the same things in hs, it'd result in us influencing each other and bouncing our tastes off each other, sharing things, etc. and ultimately effecting our outlook on the subject. In a good way, and in a way that let me learn a lot more rapidly than alone. But it also resulted in the interests I had that weren't socially accompanied at the time falling by the wayside. For example, art comix I got into, but I had no one to engage them with so I kind of just forgot all about them. Now I've met some people into the same stuff I am, mostly involved in the scene making them, and it's rekindled my interest. Similarly, I've now have a renewed focus in videogames after not playing them for years as I've met some friends at my university involved in them.

But I haven't watched a movie in a month, though a year ago I was watching 3-5 a week. I guess what I'd say has changed isn't my interests, they're still always something I've had an eye on in the past, nor is it just that the focus of my interests have shifted, but that the focus of my interests is a lot more sensitive to the social influence of my peer group.

I don't know if this is good or bad, but it's probably better for my social life in the end.
33 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-19 00:30
Fun things are always more fun when done with friends. Sad, but true.


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