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31 replies
545 days old
last post: Sep 18, 2018


17 Name: Anonymous : 2017-10-29 23:27
I think a minority of people feel the need for a "will to power" or the ability to imprint their individuality on the world, while most others desire to live life in a faceless collective. Most people are predisposed to the latter but feel compelled to act like the former because modern society sees it as shameful to want to efface in a collective and everybody should desire to be the star of their own show.

Which explains why so many people are developing all sorts of "mental illness" that could only be solved through a collective religion or something like "national socialism" where the political system acts like a collective religion.

It makes sense that people would generally be predisposed to desiring to efface under the will of religious or authoritarian figures, considering the long history most countries have of killing everybody and their children who did not follow the rules. So until we admit that "self actualization" isn't something most people want we will continue to find nihilism causes lethargy and hopelessness.


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