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Being a non-traditional student sucks
9 replies
44 days old
last post: Jul 5, 2018

Being a non-traditional student sucks

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-04 04:13
Being in college in your 20s sucks. I'm in my 20s, but people in college act like I'm a dinosaur. They seem mortified when they find out my age. People in my classes are polite enough until they get to know me, then if they ask me how old I am (a question I've come to dread), their opinion of me seems to change.

You'd think I was 80 years old or something.

I'm just trying to get a degree so I can get a better job instead of the dead-end ones I've had so far. Not everyone gets that opportunity earlier in life. Why are people so mean?
2 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-04 07:55
I'm in my early thirties and work with a few people in their late teens and early twenties, and I get along with them all pretty well. Sometimes they act like (something I think of as) common pop-cultural knowledge is the wisdom of the ancients, and sometimes I don't quite get their entertainment choices, but that's the worst of it. I actually enjoy being exposed to stuff I'd never encounter otherwise.
Maybe you just got a bad batch of young people.
3 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-05 02:49
College is full of people who express outwardly that they accept the new, the different, and all but inwardly are not.

This is less a problem in a professional environment ad I've come to learn. I went to a community college and failed all four of my courses and decided that I wasn't going to keep paying for my inadequacy. One semester in then out. A couple years later I landed a job as a contractor for the department of the air force. Everyone except three persons in the squadron I'm working at are civilian contractors. I'm the kid in the cube farm save for one other fella whos got four years on me.

I've never had the ugly encounters like the few I experienced while I was at college and I think it's really just the people man. College is practically an extension of high school for maybe 60% of these jokers. Peaked in HS or something.

Don't let it get the better of you. Poor quality individuals can be a drag but don't give them free real-estate in your head.
4 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-05 03:43
I'm also finishing up my degree in my 20s after taking a break from school to figure out what I wanted to do.

It's just a place where many people are around the same age and expect others to have a similar experience, but it's also where you get as much out of it as you put in.
>>3 has a good point about how it is where people supposedly learn to interact with others, but are also sheltered due to their age cohort.

Look outside of school for friendship and fulfillment is my suggestion. I volunteer and do things off-campus rather than trying to fit into the organizations at school.
5 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-05 06:16
Is it really weird to go to college at 21? I'm started in spring 2019.
6 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-05 07:00
No, not if you start your four year program at the same time. Make friends by offering to buy them alcohol (and then realize that binge drinking is a dumb idea).

I transferred, so people already have established friend groups and people that are in their cohort or year.
7 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-05 07:01
No, not if you start your four year program at the same time. Make friends by offering to buy them alcohol (and then realize that binge drinking is a dumb idea).

I transferred, so people already have established friend groups and people that are in their cohort or year.
8 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-05 09:45
Not really, in my experiece people don't even know your age.
I started going to college again with 22/23 years, studied with people older than 30 and nobody cared.
OP's experience is totally different from what i would expect.
9 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-18 02:54
I imagine that university has a lot younger students in general who are still under the impression life follows a very strict path. However, I've only been to community colleges where these types get fixed very quickly when they see their peers. I sometimes wonder if I'll go back to finish some sort of Bachelors but as time goes by, my "career" advances, and i'm at the point where not only am I making decent money but know what I want better I find that going back to university seems less and less appealing as time goes by.


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