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Internet Friends
69 replies
178 days old
last post: Jun 19, 2020

Internet Friends

9 Name: Anonymous : 2019-12-26 15:34
I regret not building up more online friendships when I was younger. I don't even know where to begin nowadays. I've spent far too much time on anonymous boards to adapt easily to being tied to a single identity. Especially since I'm now well aware that I'll change as a person over time and that things I said can come back to haunt me. I have some offline friends, but who knows if they'll still be around when we're no longer in the same city?
Even if I was to later conclude that online friendships aren't enjoyable, I'd still want the ability to make them. I'm worried that moment has passed. Maybe, just maybe the mistakes I'm likely to make would be acceptable if I was a child - but as an adult? I doubt it.
More than that, I never have anything to say. I always feel as though I'm intruding on a conversation between friends. Imageboards have lead me to see it as somehow narcissistic and shameful to just state my thoughts or blogpost like I'm doing now if I do it in a medium with a username.

I feel like it was so much easier before everything centralized on Twitter, Discord, Reddit and so on. A million little forums and IRCs seems like much more fruitful territory for meeting people and socializing in a way that doesn't seem narcissistic and shitposty.


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