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How's everyone doing today?
344 replies
289 days old
last post: Oct 28, 2020
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How's everyone doing today?

89 Name: Paperplane : 2020-02-20 08:49
Congrats bro. I associate a license with a very liberating feeling because now you can go wherever you want whenever you want and listen to your favourite music while doing so.

On Topic:
I'm currently going through what I can only describe as a quarter life crisis. I'm turning 25 next month and my ex-gf broke up with me just before Christmas. We've been living together for 2 and a half years and she moved out at the end of January. Now I'm solo for ~2 months and I've never been solo for that long for 8 years because I always was in a relationship some way or another.

Now I'm alone in my place where my ex used to live and she took with her all the plants and the decor and some household stuff and now my flat looks very empty which intensifies the feeling on loneliness I'm currently experiencing.
My self esteem suffered quite a bit from the break up and my receeding hairline isn't doing that any favours, too.

I feel like I will never get a girlfriend again and I know that these thoughts are very irrational but I can't help it, they just permeate my mind regularly. Right now I'm looking for a girl, I don't even crave sex or a relationship, just holding hands/hugging would be enough to smother the loneliness but I'm aware that these wants are very... dishonest (?) and that's why I feel ashamed for even having them.

Two days ago I was at a female co-worker's place and we're only very casual friends but I couldn't help but interpret more into this casual hang out (we built costumes for a party and then cooked together) even though I have no objective clue to base my interpretations on - it's just my emotional state longing for intimacy.

I am very confused and angry about these feelings and desires because they only bring trouble and discomfort.

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