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Small discord server for anyone who wants to join
118 replies
1083 days old
last post: May 21, 2021
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Small discord server for anyone who wants to join

30 Name: Anonymous : 2020-06-03 15:56
The issue with Discord, which is constantly perpetuated by the software itself, is that server owners are never content with a small group of users (say, less than 20). Every half-decent server that I've been on has been consistently destroyed by growth-starved owners that only care about bloating the number of users and having more and more posts in each room, not whether any discussions of legitimate wit, value, or interest are held. How do people even use these servers with thousands of people logged in at once for anything other than simple shitposting?

As users in this thread have mentioned, this can be only circumvented by difficult-to-find, gatekeeping moderators - but, of course, those servers are impossible to join without knowing someone from them already, making the process mostly pointless.

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