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Favorite things thread!
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last post: Feb 8, 2024
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Favorite things thread!

86 Name: Paperplane : 2019-06-11 14:45
Exellent choice of insect. Just yesterday read about them and didn't know that they are predators that also hunt mosquitoes.

My favourite childhood memory is probably one of several of me and my best friend playing pretend during elementary school times. At first we didn't like each other but during a field trip we walked next to each other by accident and after talking noticed that we have more in common than expected and thus a great friendship unfolded.
We met always daily and pretended to be knights and wizards by swinging sticks around. It was at the timt the LOTR movies aired so we imagined our sticks to be swords and that we were fighting against orcs and othee monsters. We imagined whole storylines complete with "NPCs", recurring places, quests, rewards etc. and after playtime was over, we met the next day and continued where we left off yesterday. Star Wars, LOTR, Zelda and Secret/Sword of Mana were major inspirations for our "games" and we kinda made a mish mash out of all of these.
I miss having such vivid imagination. In my mind I was really standing there on a battlefield and the stick really was a sword. This friend was also the only one I could do this with because all my other friends lacked interest/imagination so the whole thing will always have a special place in my heart.
Sometimes when we were fed up with one "game" we just started anew, starting as the unlikely heros of a village until fighting our way to be knights with our own keeps and servants.

I guess having such an affinity for play pretend paved the way for my current affiliation with TTRPGs like D&D and stuff.

>>87 what's your favourite holiday?

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