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Big winter storm thread!
11 replies
8 days old
last post: Dec 22, 2013

Big winter storm thread!

1 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-15 13:20
North East America has been getting seriously powdered throughout last night and still not at 8:18AM!
These photos are from outside my window. Normally I can see the buildings up the street just fine. I've seen people trying to plow and dig out doorways but it seems like everyones just given up at this point. Any hole you dig gets filled in in minutes. How are you guys fairing? Has your power gone out? Are you and your family okay? Share photos if you've got 'em.
2 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-15 14:59
Woah, I'm not expecting the slightest chance at snow for at least a couple of weeks.
3 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-15 20:14
Very snowy here, I went walking in it last night. It was beautiful!
4 Name: >>1-san : 2013-12-15 20:38
I linked a thumbnail. I'd fix it, but I think I'll just leave it there as a testament of my idiocy.
Update, the snow stopped. I saw a small green car doing some accidental Tokyo drifting at an intersection.
5 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-16 02:25
No snow at all over here and it is actually quite pleasant out.
6 Name: Irish farmer : 2013-12-16 11:30
Wouldn't mind a bit of snow here. We don't get seasons just rain or no rain.
7 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-17 06:42
It snowed here recently, but it was kinda messed up by rain afterwards. It was still really nice while it happened.
I love the snow (´∀`●)
8 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-17 22:13
It has snowed even more. As I type this I am overlooking people in yellow jackets fun through the snowflakes as they twinkle under the streetlamps.
9 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-18 15:48
Somehow it started snowing again in the night and into the morning. From the table I'm sitting at in my cafe, I can see really far away tree covered hills. The air is crisp and clear.
10 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-22 14:33
No chance of snow here, ever. Just the other day it was 40 degrees centigrade.
11 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-24 02:52
A couple of days ago, the entire city froze over. Blackouts still persist. I took a walk at night along a busy street and it was extremely dark. I wish it was like that all the time.


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