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I don't know who posted this but
10 replies
27 days old
last post: Dec 12, 2016

I don't know who posted this but

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-11-16 22:39
I want you to know I think it is very pretty.
2 Name: Anonymous : 2016-11-17 07:23
the signature is written right there on the bottom-right side of the image
3 Name: Anonymous : 2016-11-17 19:35
I'm glad you liked it! I posted →/525/58639501_p0.jpg too, and thought it had a similar sort of style. Intricate patterns are nice.

Here's the original on pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=59478840
4 Name: Anonymous : 2016-11-21 12:00
It does look nice and comfortable.
Makes me look forward to winter, though I have no business wearing clothes like that nor do I have a cute girlfriend to dress up like that.

But still, looking forward to winter.
5 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-05 21:40
I've always wondered how is winter for the people that experience it, do you prepare in advance for it's coming?
6 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-06 22:23
Usually yes. Most people get the water out of their sprinkler pipes and put some warm gloves and hats in their cars but that's about it. Some of us go the extra mile and put water and food in our cars along with the first aid kit and shovel and kindling. Stocking on canned food for the season and other basic essentials is common practice for me and most of my family.
7 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-12 09:53
For me, my daily routine doesn't change much, living in the first world has eliminated pretty much all need for preparation. Also the winters where I live have been really soft in the last couple of years it's only troublesome to those that are on the road often and none of the fun that winters can offer.

I wish I lived a bit more consciously, of course going to the supermarket all year round and just turning on all the heaters when it's cold is easy and takes away stress, I also feel dissociated from life.
Interesting though how my, now deceased, grandparents used to live back in the day without electricity or flowing water, a life almost unimaginable for someone like me who grew up with all the necessities in an arm's reach.
8 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-12 18:41
I know the feeling you describe. I rather would have lived in a day where the pinnacle of technology was a combustion engine rather than this urbanscape of feckless, useless people and gadgets. My disaster prepping and general preparedness can be traced back to my time in the Boy Scouts. My old unit was somewhat specialized in backpacking and cooking. I made many great life long friends within the foothills and mountains of the Rockies. Actually my time in Scouting isn't over though I'm not a youth anymore. I now volunteer with the local council and camp. It's helped keep my skills fresh while I learn new things.

I feel as though my being in the program connects me to my elders and ancestors of decades past in a non-spiritual way.
9 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-12 21:53
I feel like most people today (me too) are existing more than living. It's not that I would want to go back to a more primitive lifestyle, because I love the internet and indoor plumbing, but it makes a part of me really sad when I think about it.
10 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-14 20:53
I sometimes feel this way, but in contrast I think that it is important to recognise how magnificent a world it is in which you can just do that - looking at historical accounts in northern latitudes you realise how terrifying the yearly cycle was if you don't have any easy ways to mitigate it. A slightly-too-wet summer and your crop falls short leading to starvation, a slightly-longer winter and your heating stocks run out leading to cold and death. But now we have gigantic buildings producing energy to heat your home whenever you want, aircraft bringing food from wherever a surplus appears. As sad an effect convenience does have on society, never forget how thrilled the people of the past would be to know that it exists in the future. Of course, the lack of omnipresent death does lead to weird artefacts like adrenaline sports, but perhaps that's a more productive way of fulfilling that part of the hindbrain!


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