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Small discord server for anyone who wants to join
118 replies
1083 days old
last post: May 21, 2021
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Small discord server for anyone who wants to join

16 Name: Anonymous : 2020-05-28 09:27

Maybe not so related but where are /prog/ communities now? Ones where they actually talk about programming and not just introductory threads and resources exchange without noticeable progress. Ones where actually discuss their experience and the problems they faced during their programming sessions with any given language instead of constantly comparing languages and pasting the same arguments not support their language but against the other language. Technology boards are a meme because they turn out into ricing communities and text editors flames talking about how easy it is to rice your TODO file.

I have this big hole in my heart for genuine programming discussions and I have yet to fill it. Damn the people who claim to support free software and technology as a whole but instead of working on producing good software, as they claim to, they end up shittalking each others' preferences and ricing their machines. I'm so pissed that the free software communities are becoming soulless and unproductive.

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