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The Japanese internet
59 replies
228 days old
last post: May 3, 2021

The Japanese internet

25 Name: Anonymous : 2020-09-23 13:16
We get it. Japan bad, America good.
Do you really think someone complaining about consumerism, capitalism, westernization, etc likes America?

I've still been to their country before, and I still plan on moving there and attempting to become a legal resident, but we'll see.

Before you do that, just go to their expat communities online to see what you're dealing with. I never understood why people want to move country to begin with except maybe to retire in a place with a warmer climate. Even if you don't like them, it is your homeland and your people, and forgetting even that you would be leaving all your friends and family behind for a culture that you could very easily feel very alone and ostracized. And i'm not just talking about Asia, even though there are jaded expats all over there. It's a very grass is greener situation I think.
I believe it, but like I said it is rare outside of their spaces. It is mostly them trying to cope with their lifestyle because very few are happy with it long-term and feeling a sense of solidarity with fellow society-withdrawers is a way to do it. It also has a lot do with that sort of lifestyle being common in jokes and music so it appeals to people trying to be edgy.

Again, that is due to the rules of communication. They are passive aggressive as fuck sometimes.

The only thing I will say about the whole moving to Japan thing is that I really like pictures of East Asia (not just japan) for some reason, I don't know why but it just comes off as very beautiful to me. Even ethnic enclaves in western countries can strike me.


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