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How's everything doing today? Part 2!
121 replies
295 days old
last post: Jun 23, 2021
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How's everything doing today? Part 2!

66 Name: Anonymous : 2020-12-03 23:23
After realizing that there's nothing to talk about on more or less populated anonymous sites and constantly being annoyed and disappointed by the ironic attitude, vulgarity, hipocrisy and vileness I stopped visiting such noisy places. Years have passed and It helped a lot. Never once I wanted to go back posting or seeing what they offer.
I will not pretend that I am immune to desire to share my feelings about certain enjoyable things with someone but it's better to keep such feelings to yourself. Definitely not on such sites. Learned that the hard way. I am sure not feeling left out when I realize who will browse alongside me there.
I'm not in position of giving advices. But it's not a bad option to adapt to the silent enjoyement if you are able to sincerely care about certain things. Because if you will really care then the noise others produce will not be of any use.
If you already realize that this search is mostly revolting then submitting youself to it is pointless. There are better things to do. Even staring at the ceiling is better than refreshing pages full of utter idiocy or endlessly joining group chats that can cause a cancer tumor.
It could be even that I misunderstood your predicament completely and fought my mediocre English for nothing. In any case, good luck. I feel that there is something in common. I am #62.

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