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Scenes that make you go "huh??"
3 replies
4 days old
last post: Nov 17, 2021

Scenes that make you go "huh??"

1 Name: Anonymous : 2021-11-16 16:35
Have you ever watched a show or movie and there's just something that's not explained at all and unintentionally adds absurd comedy to whatever it's in? That "huh--what?" moment before laughing. It's a great feeling.

For example, in the show Kaiketsu Zubat, the main character Ken Hayakawa enters most episodes (I think?) riding some sort of vehicle. Sometimes it's a boat, sometimes it's a horse, whatever. But in the eighth episode, he comes riding in in the scoop of a bulldozer lifted high into the air. It's never explained. The whole show is like this: later in that episode a woman who is on screen for a total of a minute goes blind, and at the end of the episode she *gets better* in a five second scene.

I love this kind of absurd, unintentional humor. Do you have any examples of this?
2 Name: Anonymous : 2021-11-17 03:23
The inverted danish japanese animation i'm watching throws tons of esoteric concepts in but twists them in a absurd way.

It's unlike most they know what they're talking about but chose to twist everything. Not for plot points it was just twisted.

It seams like it should be esoteric humor but the plot is too serious.
3 Name: Anonymous : 2021-11-21 13:40
PlayTime (1967) kinda. But for stuff that is just weird and not explained could also be Twin Peaks for the most part.


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